Hope you're all having a great day 😎 This week we will be doing an AMA which is Ask me Anything!!!! ❤️
Hope you guys enjoy and don't forget to leave you're questions below!!!
❤️ From. Sherly
01. Could you clarify the use of punctuation in Hangeul? Ex. ~ or ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ?
Omg I LOVE that you asked this question! Let me explain some common punctuations 🤩
So you're right, the punctuations and things that we use are quite different than in English and probably different than the rest of the world. Let me break a few down for you to make it easier!
1. ~
This one is usually used at the end of a sentence and it is almost like a wave~ I've honestly had people explain this differently even within Korea so it's not like a set thing but it is basically to make your sentence sound more friendly! 🤩 Think about it like you're extending the last part of the word to make it more friendly or cute! ❤️ Hope that makes sense~
2. ^^
This one is often used also at the end or middle of sentences! It is just a smiley face but it is supposed to be like smiling eyes 😋
3. ㅠㅠ or ㅜㅜ
This one is not a punctuation but also used often in Korean! It almost shows like you are crying. Imagine the top being eyes and the bottom being the tears! 😭
02. For the silent train thing. That isn't true. I've lived in Seoul and now in Daejeon. People are talking with each other and on the phone at a decent inside volume. Talking with friends and coworkers. I don't understand why you think Korean trains are the same as Japanese trains. They're not.
Hi! Hope you don't mind that I shared your response. I thought some people might have also felt like this so I wanted to explain that I described the way that bus and subway is in Korea according to the ideal cultural and social norms 🤩🚆 but reality doesn't always pan out that way.
It is widely known and agreed that calling/talking loudly is not acceptable on the bus or train and people think it is not mannerful or following etiquette if you talk for a long period of time in person or on the phone! I'm sure you're right about your experience living in Seoul/Daejeon & that some people are talking but I'm just talking about the expected etiquette. (I guarantee you people are silently annoyed haha) Again, as I mentioned in the previous newsletter, this is not referring to small talk it is referring to full on long/loud conversations. 🤬
A lot of Korean cultural norms are based on something called 눈치 (noonchi) which is like social tact and knowing what others are thinking. So talking loudly on the phone or with people near you would be considered as having no 눈치 and people will definitely glare and be annoyed. As someone who is from Korea & lived here for 20+ years I would never just generalize Korea and Japan but I'm sorry you felt that way! 😥
Hope that makes sense & I'm sorry if I didn't clarify that this was just the expected etiquette and not always the reality of how things are ❤️😎
Below is from a Korean cartoon abt this!
03. Can you give suggestions for Korean songs or make a playlist to learn Korean?
omg yes! ❤️ 😎
I will definitely make a whole playlist in the future after doing some research BUT I will suggest one song that I think is easy enough to learn Korean from! Here it is:
It is an oldie but goodie :D
Word of the Week ❤️
One of you gave me this good idea to have a word of the week challenge! I love this idea SO the plan is: I'm going to give you a word every week and you guys have to try to make a sentence with that word!!! 🔥 If you don't want yours to be shared let me know:)
Word of the week: 노래
(means song, pronounced no-rae)
Leave your sentences below!!!! (The feedback form)
What do you want to hear about? 😃
Before ending this newsletter, I'd like to hear from you guys what you'd like to read about in these weekly newsletters! Since everyone has different requests for the newsletter, I've decided to create this form to keep track of them all 😊 Please fill this out if you'd like to hear about something specific ❤️
Send me questions that you want me to answer in the next newsletter !!!