Hi Everyone~! It’s so good to talk to you all again, why does it feel like it’s been FOREVER?! We did an AMA last week because you guys had so many good questions and you guys did not disappoint this week either!!! I have so many questions I wanted to answer that we’re going to be doing an AMA part 2!!!
I’m so glad you guys enjoy this segment and I LOVE getting requests and questions from you guys so don’t forget to leave whatever questions you have below! Hope you enjoy this newsletter and have a lovely week everyone~
❤️ From. Sherly
01. Many of us go on WeVerse and other places to greet and support our idols during live streams. Could you provide some basic Korean phrases we can type in the live chats to support our idols? ⭐
I LOVE this question because I’ve noticed that sometimes idols will ignore the english comments because they’re not confident in English so I’m so happy you guys want to learn the phrases in Korean 🙂
Let me teach you three great ones to use!
힘이 되어줘서 고마워요 - Thank you for giving me strength!
You can use this phrase when you’re thankful for your favorite idol for making your day better or helping you get through the day!
빨리 컴백해주세요! 보고싶어요! - Comeback quickly! I miss you!
This is when your idol isn’t currently active and you’re waiting for a comeback! You can tell them this to remind them you miss them~
밥 먹었어요? - Have you eaten?
Ask this to your fav idol when you’re curious if they’ve eaten! Maybe they will even tell you what they ate~
Have fun using these guys~ <3
02. Can we have a quiz to see what animal face type we are? It would be so fun to know what I am :)
Great question!!! ⭐
I’M SO GLAD YOU ASKED because I wanted to share this quiz with you guys last week but I forgot!!! If you need a reminder, there are ways that Koreans describe faces by comparing them to animals! (Not in an offensive way AT ALL) but if you want to find out yours, take this quiz!!!
03. Something that would be very helpful for me, if I could make a request, would be a newsletter with tips on how to write my daily to-do list in Korean. So my question is how would I word something like
"- 8:00 - make breakfast"? ❤️
I love this question because I am also a diary giRLIE and I love writing in it every day especially when it comes to planning out my days (cuz I am ESFJ hahaha). But let me try to give you some phrases so you can get the hang of the grammar form for diary writing :)
To answer your question about making breakfast, this is how I would write it in Korean: 8am - 아침밥 해먹기
The form is different! So if you wanted to say something like “take a walk” you wouldn’t write it like 산책해요, you would write 산책하기!
Another example would be if you want to write “draw” you wouldn’t say 그림 그려 you would write “그림 그리기" Hope that makes sense 🙂
HAppy DiaRY-ing!!! 😍
Word of the Week ❤️
We're bringing it back!!! I'm going to give you a word every week and you guys have to try to make a sentence with that word!!! 🔥 If you don't want yours to be shared let me know:)
Word of the week: 힘 (strength)
Leave your sentences below!!!! (The feedback form)
What do you want to hear about? 😃
Before ending this newsletter, I'd like to hear from you guys what you'd like to read about in these weekly newsletters! Since everyone has different requests for the newsletter, I've decided to create this form to keep track of them all 😊 Please fill this out if you'd like to hear about something specific ❤️
Send me questions that you want me to answer in the next newsletter !!!