AMA time~~~~ 💖 ❤️ Hello Everyone~! ❤️
Welcome to this week’s newsletter~ Hope you’re all having a wonderful day
and most importantly taking care of yourselves and your mental health!
It’s easy to get swept up in business and forget to take care of yourself so make sure you’re doing what you can! That being said, this week we will be doing another AMA since I’ve received so much good feedback on them + so many of you have submitted questions. Let’s learn something new and also relax this week!
Take it easy on yourself & hope you enjoy this week's AMA~! 😎
1. Are there any creepy or disturbing Korean myths or legends
that you think are cool? 👹
Okay! Well, because you asked for it, let me tell you about a creepy Korean legend...
those of you who are scared easily, SKIP this section! I repeat, SKIP IT!!!!
There is a mythical creature called the Jangsanbeom (장산범) and it is said to live in a mountain called Jangsan in Busan. It is kind of like slender man. This creature is known for having super long and white fur all over its body. BUT what’s interesting is that it is known to have the body of a tiger, just with super long white hair. 🏔️
It was first spotted in the early 1990s but after 2000 it has been seen more commonly than ever before. Since 2000, Jangsanbeom has been spotted all around the country, not just in its original mountain in Busan. How do you know if you’ve come across one? It makes a sound to hide itself which sounds like the sound that flowing water makes (like in a river). The creature is also known to be super fast. ⏩
In 1992, Mr. Park– who lives in Busan– climbed the Jangsan Mountain with his father and midway through, something bumped into him and ran away super quickly. It was covered in white fur and fit the description of the Jangsanbeom. According to Mr. Park, the creature ran up to the top of the mountain in a split second after bumping into him. Mr. Park experienced true horror and terror when he saw the creature and hasn’t been to the mountain ever since. He was not the only witness of the creature, there are countless people who have had encounters with the Jangsanbeom, to this day. ☠️
What do you think? Would you ever visit Jangsan Mountain? IDK about y’all but I am steering CLEAR of that cuz this creature looks SCARY. 🤐
Here is a drawing of what it looks like ⬇️
2. I understand that if you're a younger person drinking with elders or seniors you're supposed to turn away from them as you drink to be polite, but what if you have seniors on all sides? Which direction would you turn then? 🍹
OP, this question made me laugh so hard because it is so valid and I completely understand your confusion but also I just imagined someone who didn’t know what to do in this situation turning all the way around HAHAHA. Okay all jokes aside, this is a completely valid question and honestly I’m so glad you brought this up.
To answer, yes you turn your head away from elders or seniors when you drink but this isn’t about what direction they’re sitting in! It actually has to do with not facing someone head-on while drinking. So even if you have seniors on all your sides, you would just face either to the right or left (since you're not head on with them anyways). Turning towards them is not considered rude because they are facing forward! If they’re drinking looking towards you, wait until they’re done to take your own drink or do the other side. From my PERSONAL experience, people tend to turn to their right so I also do the same. Hope this makes sense! 😁
3. What do you call different jewelry
(rings,necklaces,bracelets etc.) in Korean? 💍
Great question. Although this could be answered with a dictionary, I thought I’d make a little handy list for you guys anyways, hehe~
Ring – 반지 (ban-ji) Bracelet – 팔찌 (pal-jji) Necklace – 목걸이 (mok-guel-i) Earring – 귀고리 (gwi-go-ri)
4. I want to know more about time: What is the difference between 낮 and 점심? At what time starts 져녁? ⏰
Great question. As with any language, there are grey areas depending on people’s personal time habits but here is a general explanation!
낮 is any time during the day time, when the sun is up! You can use this during any time that isn’t night time which is 밤. As for 밤 this will usually be after 9pm until 12am. Once it passes 12am, it is now 새벽 which is technically dawn but is from 1am until 5am. From 6am until 10am ish would be considered 아침 which is morning and also means breakfast. Then from 11am until around 2pm is 점심 which is lunch time and also means lunch itself! Remember, all of these times are technically 낮 since the sun is up. Next, we have 6pm till 9pm would be 저녁 which is dinner time and also means dinner! Then you go back to 밤!
Hope that makes sense! Ofc there is a grey area because some people eat breakfast at 5am and some wouldn’t consider 11am lunch time! But this is generally the consensus!
5. I’ve seen a couple shows where someone gets drunk and then the bartender calls one of their most recent calls. So I was wondering if korea just doesn’t have a password or if it’s just in the drama. It’s kinda confusing. 📱
Ending off with an easy one. To curb your confusion, this is not the case haha! I assure you everyone in Korea has a passcode on their phone but dramas/shows will depict phones without passcodes just to keep the story going haha! 😂 However, if you have missed calls on your phone you can usually just dial the missed call by swiping (without unlocking the phone) so there’s that! Hope I answered your question. 😁
P.S. I had a friend who would pass out when drinking so often that she wrote her phone password and her friend’s phone numbers on a note and made it her lock screen picture. OFC drink responsibly please don’t black out but life hack for emergencies I guess?! ❤️
What do you want to hear about? 😃 AMA! |
Before ending this newsletter, I'd like to hear from you guys what you'd like to read about in these weekly newsletters! Since everyone has different requests for the newsletter, I've decided to create this form to keep track of them all 😊 Please fill this out if you'd like to hear about something specific ❤️
Send me questions that you want me to answer in the next newsletter !!! |
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Teuida's weekly newsletter, Teugether because we learn better when we learn teugether
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