I hope you’ve all been having a good week so far and enjoying Teuida as well! ✨ ❤️
First of all, have you guys checked out the VIVIZ content with Teuida on the app yet?!
I heard that some of our users’ dream was to be able to speak to their Kpop bias in Korean! 😉 Has it been fulfilled?! The episode that was released this week was about dancing so I thought it would be helpful for you guys to learn some useful terms related to dance! ✨
So these two might be pretty basic but I just wanted to teach you again as it is pretty instrumental in dance!왼 (wen) is the Korean word for left and 오른 (oh-reun) is the Korean word for right! Of course if we’re talking direction like “to the left” then you would add 쪽 (jjok) to the end and make it 왼쪽. But when it comes to dance, these words will usually be attached to a body part.
For example, right hand would be 오른“손" (oh-reun sohn) and right foot would be 오른”발" (oh-reun bal).
1. 준비 ✅
This word is one that commonly is used in everyday life but very important to know when it comes to dancing (or any activity really). The word 준비 (jun-bi) means ready! Your dance teacher might ask you,준비 됐어요? (jun-bi dwe-sseo-yo?) which means “are you ready?” to which you might respond 네! (neh!) which means yes!
1. 뛰다 🕺🏼
This one is a less common word for sure but important, nonetheless :) 뛰다 (ddwe-da) is the Korean verb for jump. However, it also means run so be careful! If someone tells you “뛰어!” during a dance lesson though, they're probably not telling you to run.
Okay now let’s learn some Korean Slang! 💖 This may not be something that you’d use in everyday life but it is definitely useful when it comes to talking about TV shows. When a native Korean speaker talks about a show, they usually shorten the name down into slang! 😜
Let me give you an example:
1. 💃 Street Man Fighter (스트릿 맨 파이터)
In English, we might abbreviate this title into SMF, right? In Korean, we would basically do the same thing. We would take the first character of every word and make it into an abbreviated name like this: 스맨파 (seu men pa).
Does that make sense?! You’ll probably never find a Korean native speaker saying the full name of a show or drama, they will for the most part abbreviate it like this! There you go~ Now you’re one step closer to being a native speaker 😊
🚨 Lastly, I have a SALE announcement for you guys! 🚨
Teuida's Black Friday sale is coming up soon!!! Are you guys ready?! This year, we're taking it up a notch by giving you all 50% off of our 12-month plan!!! That means the one year plan will only be 39.99$! What a deal right?! Keep a look out for another email and a notification from the Teuida app and don't miss this chance 😉
⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
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