Welcome back to our regularly scheduled weekly newsletter~ It's great to have you here!
Who’s watching the world cup right now?! As some of you may know, Koreans take the world cup very seriously! Stay tuned to learn some Korean, learn about a hot guy..🤫, and learn about a Korean tradition during the world cup!
Okay FIRST OF ALL, I gotta talk about him because the whole internet is talking about him already but...Cho. Gyu. Sung. GUYS netizens are actually crazy! (and by crazy I mean impressive) Did you know that he started the world cup with 20k followers and now has over 1.3 MILLION followers. Honestly, at this rate he’s going to become an influencer!
Seriously just take a look at how many posts were made about him haha ⬇️
True to netizen fashion, this man has gone viral and the internet is flooded with his pictures and thirst trap videos which are so hilarious. But on top of everything this man really scored two goals back to back against Ghana! Unfortunately, Ghana scored again and we lost 3-2 but Cho GyuSung will probably remain a celebrity for a while haha
Okay now that I got your attention, let's learn some Korean~ Since we lost, let me teach you what Koreans say when we lose a game 😭
⚽️ World Cup Korean Lesson ⚽️
1. 졌지만 잘 싸웠다!
(jeot-ji-man jal ssa-wot-da)
졌지만 means “even though we lost” 잘 means “well” and 싸웠다 means “we fought”
Put it all together and it means “Even though we lost, we fought well!”
There is a way to make this sentence sound even more native though! Remember last week when we talked about how we Koreans love to abbreviate things?! This sentence is often abbreviated as well! Just take the first character of each sentence:
2. 졌잘싸!
This is the slang that we use to say “Even though we lost, we fought well!” You can use this slang during the world cup or even when you’re playing an online game too! Check out Yeji’s video below to see how to pronounce the slang ⬇️
⚽️ Korean World Cup Tradition ⚽️
Okay, so there is something that Koreans take very seriously when it comes to the
world cup. Can you guys guess what it is?! . . .
If you guessed food, you’re right!!! We have a food tradition attached to the world cup!
When watching the world cup, it is a tradition in Korea to order fried chicken! It's to the point that we have to order our chicken up to 2-3 hours earlier for it to come in time. Another shocker? Chicken places even take reservations on these days...
Check out this picture of a fried chicken restaurant circulating in Korean media ⬇️
Yep, those are the receipts for all the online orders coming in!
Tbh, I ordered my chicken at 4pm even though the game started at 10pm haha :) it was definitely a good plan since some of my friends got theirs after the game ended...
That's it for this weeks newsletter! Hope you learned something new and make sure to root for Korea this world cup!!!!!! <3
(your reason is Cho GyuSung hehe... jk... or am i?)
Bye Guys!!! Have a great day~!
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