I wouldn't be surprised if you've never heard of it! 😆
2022. 12. 23.
Have you tried this Korean dish?! 🍜 🐙 🍲
I wouldn't be surprised if you've never heard of it! 😆
Teugether Today
Underrated Korean Foods
Learn how to order food!
Korean slang~!
❤️ Hello Everyone~! ❤️
Hope everyone is doing well and having fun learning Korean with Teuida~! 😃 I’ve received so much good feedback with the new newsletter format. I’m so glad that you guys are enjoying it and it truly fills my heart to get nice comments about it ❤️
This week I'll be telling you about 3 underrated Korean foods that you MUST try! For those interested, I will also recommend where to go in Seoul to have these foods! Hope you enjoy~ 🥳🍜 🐙
Let's get straight into it~ ⬇️
🍲 청국장 (Cheong-guk-jang)
Okay so we all know about Kimchi Stew and Bean Paste Stew at this point right? But there’s one stew that I feel like a lot of you might not have tried yet! It’s called Cheonggukjang and it is a fermented bean paste stew. This probably isn’t the first thing you should try if you are not familiar with Korean food though!
BUT for people who have tried all the basics and want to try something new, I’d really recommend it! It’s one of my personal favorites :)
Now for the restaurant recommendation 😜 This isn’t a conventional spot to get Cheonggukjang but believe it or not it’s one of my favorite restaurants to have it! ❤️
It's called: 잠수교집 (Jam-su-gyo jib)! The link is below :)
This one is for all of you soy milk lovers out there (not rly but kind of). Kongguksu is SoyBean Milk(?) Noodles! 🍜 I’m not really sure how to describe it to make it sound appetizing but I SWEAR it is so good and refreshing. It is a thick cold soup with noodles and it's 100x better when you eat it with kimchi! This is by far one of my favorite summer specials and I hope you all can try it too. 😉 🤤
Here is the restaurant recommendation! This place is also usually super full and there are usually so many people in line. If you’re planning to visit, make sure it’s not during lunch time (when it’s usually super packed)!!! 😬
It's called 진주회관 (jin-joo hwe-gwan) & the link is below:)
This dish is like a mix of all of the individual things I like which is why it is one of my favorites~! Nakgeopsae is a Korean dish made with octopus, tripe, and shrimp. 🍤
And just like our slang, it’s name consists of the first syllable from each different food (낙지, 곱창, 새우) which are octopus, tripe, and shrimp! It might be a little spicy but SO good! For people who can’t decide what to eat and want a lot of things at once, this one's for you~! 😉
This restaurant is also pretty popular but a liiiittle pricey in my opinion. But it's worth it cuz it’s ranked number one on Mango Plate! (you can find lots of yummy food on this website) & no we’re not sponsored but we wish we were. 😎
It's called 지강낙곱새 (ji-gang nak-geop-sae) and the link is below ❤️
Okay! Now that you guys have learned what types of food you should be trying when you’re here, let’s practice some Korean~ If you guys didn’t know, Teuida has a unit (Unit 4) specially dedicated to ordering at restaurants?! I imagine this would be super helpful for those of you visiting so let’s try the lesson together right now! (It’s one of my personal favs) ❤️
Okay so this slang is ESSENTIAL in my opinion. Everyone uses it and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it is an actual word now lol. So let’s try breaking down the word 맛집. Do you guys remember learning how to say that something tastes good?
“맛있어요” (Ma-si-sseo-yo) right?
So the first character of this word is 맛 (mat) which means taste! 집 (jib) is the korean word for house! But in this context it doesn’t mean house but rather restaurant! While the literal translation means “taste house?” It means something like “really tasty restaurant or place.”
You can search the name of a place (for example 홍대- hongdae) + add “맛집” and you can find all the good places in that area! Or if you have a dish you want to eat you can add the dish name + 맛집 to find the best places!
Hope you enjoyed my list of underrated foods + 맛집 guide~! Make sure to visit our app and learn how to order in a restaurant now!!! 😃❤️
Before ending this newsletter, I'd like to hear from you guys what you'd like to read about in these weekly newsletters! Since everyone has different requests for the newsletter, I've decided to create this form to keep track of them all 😊 Please fill this out if you'd like to hear about something specific ❤️